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I'm So Excited!!!!

I just ordered our new dining room chandelier!!! It's made from coconut beads and is half off at Anthropologie. It reminds me a bit of Nina Griscom's ($5000) branchelier:Obviously that's a bit out of our price range... ;) When my friends gave me a gift card for my birthday, I found the coco-bead chandlier & was in love. To be honest,...
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NH Architect Jeremy Bonin's Interviewed by Timber Home Magazine

The September 2008 Special Green Building Issue features an interview with NH Architect Jeremy Bonin on energy efficient home design, sustainability, and timber framing.Writer Peter Lobred asks Jeremy Bonin, a LEED accredited architect and the author of the timber frame book, TIMBER FRAMES: Designing Your Custom Home, pointed questions about...
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Tips for Taking Interior Photographs (non-technical!!)

I received a bunch of emails after my last post asking about tips for taking "after" pics of rooms, so I thought I'd share some that I've discovered over the years. (I am by NO MEANS a professional as you can tell though!! ) Since so many of us are obsessed with getting our houses looking pretty & have blogs, I figured it couldn't hurt!...
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We All Start Out Somehere: My First Laboratory

Let me start out this post by saying that I am trusting you here. I'm letting you in on where design all started for me, and it's not pretty. :) As designers/ homeowners, we all have our labs in which we experiment, our homes. I attribute so much of what I've learned today from my frist apartment after college. I think I did pretty much everything...
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Choosing Green Building Materials

There are certainly an abundance of green building materials on the market today. How do you determine which one is better than the other? One way is by considering its life cycle: where its raw materials come from, how it is manufactured and what happens during the manufacturing process, and where the product ends up. These are some things...
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Energy Star Home

ENERGY STAR® is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy that provides information, training, and certification of products and practices to help homeowners save money and protect the environment.If you are building a home, consider having it designed to meet ENERGY STAR standards, which...
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On the Homefont

I thought I'd give you an update on what we've been up to at our new house & share some plans for our family room. Above, our yard is finally getting there... The flowers are getting big enough for cutting and my husband built a pretty fence around the property. Life is so much easier without having to worry about our toddler & dog...
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