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Happy New Year!

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Free Printables for your New Year's Eve Party

It's not too late....  Do you have card stock and a printer and a few minutes?  A quiet evening at home with your family or dinner with friends?  Add some ribbon and glitter and make your New Year's Eve pretty with these printables.    Included is a door sign, 2011 banner, cupcake toppers, candle...
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the home of Spanish designer Tony Espuch by way of  HABITUALLY CHIC...
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Lake Home Construction Photos: Near Mt. Sunapee NH

Construction is ongoing on our lakefront vacation home being built in Blodgett’s Landing, Newbury, NH, right near Mt. Sunapee, a tear down project replacing a small, worn-out cottage.It sure is cold after our nor’easter (Newbury received 14” of new snow), but the crew has a weather-tight shell and temporary heat to help. The site is very...
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Cafe Express has finally made it to Austin

Was thrilled to hear about their new location down by Seton Medical from my sister. Less thrilled to wait for a parking space on a recent lunch date with my hubby. Though I'm so happy Austin finally has a Cafe Express!  Have y'all checked it out?...
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Merry Christmas!

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Glittered Jingle Bells

How fun would this be to DIY with beautiful fine glitters from Martha Stewart?I found this garland for sale at Sweet Charity last week.  Oh what fun it is....
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A Window Wonderland

I love Illy coffee and I'm in awe over this Barneys New York window display. Barneys New York teamed up with the Food Network, the Cooking Channel, and Illy to deck their Madison Avenue windows in a “Have a Foodie Holiday!” theme. A papier-mâché Mario Batali head sits on a platter, while a mannequin wearing a dress made of foil coffee bags...
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Rejoice! Bay Hill Design

If you have never window shopped at this design shop/ design studio in 26 Doors, it's worth a looksy.  http://www.bayhilldesign.c...
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Vintage Santa

These sweet vintage images make me so happy.  I'm going to use them for gift ta...
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Ten Reasons for Shopping Locally - New London, NH

Here is a re-print an article by Jessie Levine, New London NH’s town administrator on the benefits of shopping locally. To read Levine’s entire article (12/7/2010) titled “Budget Update & Shopping Locally,” visit the New London town website.By Jessie LevineYou may have noticed that we have some new residents in New London, as the nutcracker soldiers began showing up around town early last week. The nutcrackers are the brainchildren...
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Houston Home Adorned for the Holidays

a little greenery in the master on the chandyEven the library gets garlandIs that a real peacock by the pool?  What an accent!Traditional H...
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a Cute Chicago Chocolate Bar

How fun is this cute little cafe that serves my two favorite things: chocolate and cocktails. Even the packaging is cute and fresh.Traditional H...
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Christmas Card Season

I LOVE Christmas card season.  Several have arrived already in my mailbox.  I love getting them, sending them, displaying them and keeping them.  Our family card is going out today.  YAY!  (Note for next year:  Square envelopes = the Monarch stamp, not exactly Christmasy.  Oh well : (For the cards I receive,...
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Aspen: Cozy for Christmas

I wish I had snow to ice cold beer!Traditional H...
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