Red Kitchen Design Ideas kitchen designKitchen IdeasDesign Ideas,Modern KitchenExperimenting with colors are a never ending experience and fun. Colors are world to conquest. Now we present you with red kitchen design. Red is the color of passion and fire, it also representing the color of bravery and courage. It’s ideal for...
Kids Bedroom Design by Karim Rashid
Kids Bedroom Design by Karim Rashidkids bedroom furnitureModern Bedroom Design - Luxury and Stylish Superman and Batman Kids RoomsEvery mother in this world certainly wants their kids to be happy. But what does it take to make them happy? Well for a start you might take a good look of this futuristic bedroom interior design along with...
Bedroom Design,
Kids Room Decoration
Contemporary Modern Fireplace
Contemporary Modern Fireplaceelectric fireplaceModern Living Rooms Living Room DesignsWarm living room is what most people want, especially when the cold season is around and being inside the house is the best option to have. Designer Jacob Jensen has created the contemporary wood burning stoves which he designed with three models:...
Fireplace Design
Beautiful Modern Interior Design with Lovely Wooden Furniture

These are the sample pictures of charming interior design of a house that are very good to become the inspiration in decorating and designing the rooms of a house. The interior design in these pictures shows the harmony of color between the ceiling and the floor. The ceiling and the floor are designed with beautiful wooden materials. The...
Interior Design
Color Story: Red & Black
A few of our favorite things for the day:Dress by Victoria Beckham, Chandelier by Stonegate, Rug by Safavieh, Settee by Michael Wei...
NH Ski Up Mount Sunapee March 13, 2010

Join us Saturday, March 13, 2010 at Mount Sunapee for an awesome day of skiing, snowboarding, tailgating, networking, giveaways, and a barbecue! Registration: OnlinePick up your pass: Starting at 8:00 AM Saturday, March 13th at Mt. SunapeeBBQ lunch (FREE): 12:30 at the NH Ski Up TentRaffles / Apres Ski: Starting at 3:00 PMRegister online...
Bonin Architects' news,
fun stuff
Contemporary Design Kitchen Furniture

Contemporary Design Kitchen Furnit...
Kitchen Design Ideas
Thom Felicia Furniture

You are probably familiar with Thom Felicia from "Queer Eyes for the Straight Guys". Do you remember that show? We kinda miss it from time to time. We don't know any straight guy who watched it though, only straight girls, hoping to fix up their men...Anyway, Thom Felicia is getting to be a major licensing house. He's...
Great Products
Fabulous Graphic Wallpapers

We often wish we were more adventurous than we actually are. Our home is quite boring-- for people who are in the furnishings business. More often than not, it consists of returns, overstock and miscellaneous things that we can't sell in the store. It looks like a darn garage sale, actually.Okay, so maybe we're...
Great Products
New Home Accessories for Spring
We just uploaded a ton of new home accessories on our store. Here's a quick sampling:All can be found on the home decor section on the front page. If you have time, please come vis...
2009 Trends Report: Residential Design & Build

Residential Design & Build magazine’s 2009 Trends Report has the latest data on home design and building trends (reporting on 2008).One of the charts in the article lists items, features, and materials where clients cut back when their budget is tight. Not surprisingly, our history in dealing with architectural design clients indicates...
Where Did You Get That?

We thought we start a new feature called "where did you get that"? This is because many times we browse through a picture of something that we like, be it clothes or furniture or anything else, only to find the source not listed.Does that happen to you?In this feature, we'll do our best to show you where to get this stuff. ...
Where Did You Get That?
Modern Furniture Design
Modern Furniture Design bedroom designsModern Bedroom Design Ideas For a Perfect BedroomBedroom Modern Interior Design Whether your bedroom décor is contemporary or eclectic the Brookland bed is a perfect fit. A mature sleigh design covered in Dark Brown leather. The headboard, footboard and side rails are padded adding increased...
Bedroom Design
Style And Design Chairs Armchair
Style And Design Chairs Armchairtables and chairsRestaurant Interior Design InspirationIt is located in Colorado and had been designed by Andre Kikoski Architect. Kikoski makes the comfortable place with a playful, contemporary restaurant and lounge to describe this restaurant. The design strategy embraces textural contrast and celebrates...
Furniture Design