We celebrated the Grand Opening of our new architectural firm office in New London, New Hampshire last week. What a great turnout! We had over 70 business owners, residents, and Chamber of Commerce members here - and for quite a while there wasn't room to move! Thank you to all of our old friends who came to congratulate us and to all of the new friends who came to introduce yourselves and learn about our architectural services.
Yankee Communications was also on hand for the festivities and grabbed our Principal Architect Jeremy Bonin for an interview which will appear on Kearsarge Valley Magazine in the next couple of weeks (watch for a blog post!).
Our neighbors in Baynham's Square (Ellie's Cafe & Deli, Vessels & Jewels, and The Banks Gallery) also held open houses that night and visitors were able to visit all of the Square's businesses. Hot hors d'ouevres were provided by Ellie's Cafe and we concluded the evening by sharing a cake decorated for the occasion.
If you didn't get a chance to come to the grand celebration, please stop by anytime to say hello!
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