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Carrie's TV Cabinet in Sex In the City II

A couple of people have contacted us about the TV cabinet/desk in Carrie and Big's apartment so we thought we'd tell you where you can get it.  It is designed by Thomas O'Brien for Hickory Chair and it's called the Hailings Secretary.   To see more product specifications click he...
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Carrie's Bed in Sex in The City II

Did you see Sex In the City II this past weekend? We thought it wasn't as bad as the reviews said it was... Seriously, don't you think the critics take this movie a bit too literally?  After all, the movie is all about the clothes and the fantasies...Anyway, did you like the bed in Carrie's and Big's apartment? We do. And we know exactly...
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Celebrity Home Envy: Ashley Tisdale

Check out June's Instyle for a peek into the home of Ashley Tisdale. A pool cabana, pink velvet, mirrored furniture, linen drapes and.... a Louis Vuitton trunk cocktail table in the living room? I'm in LOVE! The best part is that she designed her first home herself. Courtesy: InStyle Magazine June 2...
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Gorgeous Beach Shell Chandelier from Currey

We're crazy about this new beach shell chandelier from Currey & Co. Isn't it marvelous? Can you see this with a white linen couch and white-washed floor? You'll need a very high ceiling though. This chandelier is huge!The size is 37rd x 64h and the price is $5750 including shipping, a little expensive, perhaps, but oh it's so worth...
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Veranda's Californian Beauty

Summer is in the air. Enjoy these pics from this month's issue of Veranda. I love these wicker chairs next to the rough table. Loving the roman shades and the burlap bag planter here.Slipcovers on the porch. Brillia...
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Designers We Love

With the death of so many design magazines of late, we thought we'd share with you some of our favorite designers' web sites.  They are full of beautiful photographs and great ideas that you can steal :)Note:  Click on link to go to the designer's web site.Jan Showers-Soft, pretty designs.Kelly Hoppen-simple, modern, luxurious designs. ...
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Ultra Cool Barstool

We're digging this new barstool from Nuevo. Look at the base. Isn't it the coolest ever?The barstool comes in black, brown and white leather. The base is made of solid stainless steel. It sells for $400/ea...
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Open House: Custom Home, Sunapee NH

Custom Open House with Q&A with Green Building Expertsnear Lake Sunapee, New HampshireSaturday, July 10, 20104:00 PM - 6:00 PMThe Dartmouth - Lake Sunapee region in New Hampshire is a great four-season resort area to live, work, and raise a family!  Whether you like swimming or skiing, hiking or biking, or any other outdoor...
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Happy Weekend

Wouldn't you love to spend it here in this outdoor kitch...
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Sex And The City 2 (more set design love)

courtesy: Elle De...
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Austin Artist: Kyle Bunting Collection at Gump's

I love to read success stories about local Austin artisans. Kyle Bunting is everywhere these days. I first heard about him from Karen Hall Designs. A couple of weeks ago, my sister pointed out one of his hide rugs featured in an Austonian show house living room.Now, San Francisco design shop Gump’s will be offering an exclusive limited edition...
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Wordless Wednesday

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Nice Bedroom Decorating for Girls 2010

INice Bedroom Decorating for Girls 2010: Here on Freshome you’ve seen a lot of themed bedrooms for kids. It is true, fairy tales, castles and princesses provide a wide range of ideas for bedrooms, but today, we would like to show you something new: hearts. You’ve seen them drawn on every teenager’s diary, piece of paper or bumper...
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Home design 2010: 10 ways to redecorate with paint

Define a display spaceHome design 2010: 10 ways to redecorate with paint: Paint shelves and the wall behind them an eye-catching color to showcase books and accessories.Here, a warm pumpkin shade complements an eclectic collection of books and objects.Personalize a nookHot pink walls and a stenciled motto punch up this tiny eating area....
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