Well, my husband & I have been doing some budgeting & are trying to save up for a house & have done the math & are looking at a little over a year from now. But this is at practically breakneck pace & only if the market keeps doing what it's doing. So many things need to align & we've just created this insanely packed & strict schedule to get it all done & my head's spinning so I need to relax. Hence, the photos of relaxing rooms. :) (from Domino)

We just sold our townhome this summer & have moved with our toddler into my parents' house. It was a tough choice for us but one we felt we had to make. We love to relax at home, do projects, entertain, have houseguests, etc. & we've had to give a lot of that up.
My parents are great but it's still a tough situation. It's going better than I thought it would though, and in the past 4 months (we moved in July) I've gotten my interior design business to a point I thought I wouldn't reach for years. Career-wise it's been amazing for us. It's also a really humbling experience. In the design industry, at first I almost wanted to hide the fact that I live in my parents' basement because I'm definitely slightly embarrassed about it, but I've realized that we all have to get started somehow, so I'm out! :)

By nature, both my husband & I are doers. We make our decisions & then execute them right away. We purchased our townhome weeks before our wedding in 2005 & spent the week before our wedding moving. Our parents warned us that the market was too high but we didn't care. We had a plan that we could ride it for 5-7 years in that house.

Enter baby. Unexpected baby. Well, that really moved our timeline up a bit. We figured out that we wanted the house & the yard & all of that & that if we stayed in our townhome, we'd never save up for it quickly enough. My parents have a walkout basement with 2 bedrooms, a living room & an office... so, we sold our townhouse, taking a huge loss, a deep breath and moved in with my parents.
We're back on track & have our plan & it's just all sort of sinking in for me right now. What we need to do to get there- how we need to work our tails off yet somehow still have good qaulity time with eachother & not wish our time away because we can't ever get it back.

I'm in a good spot though, just a bit overwhelmed. We know what needs to be done & now we're just doing it. It's only going to make us stronger. (Haha, did I just give myself a pep-talk?!)

So, in the future, you can expect to see photos of my Christmas tree in the basement, our little basement house & you might hear me complaining about spider crickets in the Spring.

We just sold our townhome this summer & have moved with our toddler into my parents' house. It was a tough choice for us but one we felt we had to make. We love to relax at home, do projects, entertain, have houseguests, etc. & we've had to give a lot of that up.

By nature, both my husband & I are doers. We make our decisions & then execute them right away. We purchased our townhome weeks before our wedding in 2005 & spent the week before our wedding moving. Our parents warned us that the market was too high but we didn't care. We had a plan that we could ride it for 5-7 years in that house.

Enter baby. Unexpected baby. Well, that really moved our timeline up a bit. We figured out that we wanted the house & the yard & all of that & that if we stayed in our townhome, we'd never save up for it quickly enough. My parents have a walkout basement with 2 bedrooms, a living room & an office... so, we sold our townhouse, taking a huge loss, a deep breath and moved in with my parents.

I'm in a good spot though, just a bit overwhelmed. We know what needs to be done & now we're just doing it. It's only going to make us stronger. (Haha, did I just give myself a pep-talk?!)

So, in the future, you can expect to see photos of my Christmas tree in the basement, our little basement house & you might hear me complaining about spider crickets in the Spring.
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