I just had to share this awesome package I got from Lindsay at Everything LEB last week. I won the drawing she just had & wanted to share pictures of everything. Check out these cool gift tags she MADE(!!):

Thank you so much Linsday!!!! You're awesome & the package was just so beautiful, thoughtful & fun to receive!!! xoxo
I love her adorable fish cards!!! (I'm not sure if she remembers but they were one of my favorites her etsy site which you've gotta check out if you haven't already!) They're too cute- pink glitter fish on green cardstock:
Here are the comfy J. Crew gloves & pretty pearl earrings (love those buttons):
The surprise gift in the box was this awesome Cocktail Bible that we will DEFINITELY put to good use! ;) ;)
And, last but not least she gave me this HUGE roll of simple white satin ribbon that will last me a good long while (Lindsay, I'll let you know when you need to have another contest! ;) I'm so loving this because now I can just use brown paper to wrap my gifts & the ribbon & the pretty little gift tags she made (I don't need to spend a thing & can help out the environment!) and the gifts will be beautiful!!! Here's a gift I did (yeah, I'm a little late for Christmas, but unfortunately, that's how I sometimes, er often, roll)
Thank you so much Linsday!!!! You're awesome & the package was just so beautiful, thoughtful & fun to receive!!! xoxo
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